Group Travel Guide
Group Travel Guides, created annually, are distributed at Sales Missions, FAM Tours and in response to tour operator inquiries to the Maine Office of Tourism.

Motor Coach Friendly Guidelines
Many businesses in Maine would like to host MotorCoach business. It is important to understand from a tour operator's perspective what is necessary for a successful visit. If the first visit does not impress, it is unlikely that there will be a second opportunity. Review this list to see if your business meets their requirements.
Motor Coach Friendly Guidelines
The MAINE MOTORCOACH NETWORK Group Travel Guide is published annually and is distributed during Sales Missions, Familiarization (FAM) Tours and in response of tour operator inquiries to the Maine Office of Tourism. Your business must be located in Maine and be GROUP FRIENDLY to be accepted in the Group Travel Guide. Your Group Travel Guide Sheet should include pictures, suggested itineraries and special points of local interest that are available for groups of up to 55 passengers. Consider including mileage from major destinations and other helpful hints. Include your group contact information prominently. ~Two sided, high resolution PDF document is required. Include both pages (front & back) in one PDF document, sized 8 1/2 x 11 inch (portrait orientation), 500mb file size maximum ~4 color PDF document without page marks ~Provide 1/8 inch bleed (no text) on top, right and bottom ~Provide 1/4 inch bleed (no text) on left side if the front page for the coil binding ~hyperlinks in your PDF will be preserved and will work when viewing the guide online ~~your website hyperlink ~~E-mail hyperlink (format = ~~phone number hyperlink (format = tel:555-555-1212) ~Name the PDF document with your business or attraction name ~Complete and submit the Group Travel Guide Sheet Submission Form attaching your new PDF file if needed ~An invoice will be sent to the e-mail address entered on the submission form with mailed check and online credit card payment instructions, due on receipt